How To Get Out Of A Bad Date Without Being A Total Jerk

Is this a bad date because of their attitude, your attitude or some other factor? Is this really someone that you don’t like on the inside?

  • It’s part of the human experience to see how we edge up to someone; the occasional rough edge doesn’t need to knock us off center.
  • For example, the app may send you a call that is supposedly from a relative or neighbor claiming to be dealing with some kind of emergency.
  • It also emerged that 23 percent admit to “ghosting” someone — stopping all contact with them before a date.
  • If things are going poorly and you need to make an escape, you don’t want to have to rely on your date to drive you home.
  • Maybe you didn’t realize it until RIGHT NOW, but laser tag is the worst thing you have ever tried.

Focus more on your date rather than your own inner dialogue, worries, or judgments. Listen closely to your date, or focus on the activity you’re doing together. Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources. Remember that first impressions aren’t always true. Give your date some time to get to know who they really are. If you use this strategy, come hungry and thirsty.

They have no claim to your time if there is no commitment. You can get out of your date and get something accomplished that has long been on your to-do list. Although, bearing with a bad date might be more fun than reorganizing your kitchen pantry. This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011.

„I used to struggle with terrible social anxiety. So when a guy I was seeing invited me over, I already had a plan of escape. I get to his house, and he’s packing his desktop into his friend’s car. Horror stories Reddit users shared about the bad dates they had and the creative excuses they used to get out of them. Another 58 percent have sat through a date despite knowing there was no spark, because of a need to be polite (72%), a hope it might get better (37%), and feeling uncomfortable saying anything (36%). However, for 48 percent, honesty is the best policy, and they claim that they’re always upfront with the other person about why they are leaving or cancelling a date. Through her coaching, writing and online programs she has helped thousands of people save their relationships, manifest love and create amazing, soul-level connections. She is thrilled to have helped so many couples find each other, reignite the spark and save their relationships .

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I’ve been on more than my fair share of terrible dates and did my best to perfect the fine art of leaving gracefully. It is harder than it sounds to get away from a bad date without needlessly being rude, offending them, and/or making a total fool out of yourself.

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” no matter what platform they’re using to chat with strangers. For all the straight shooters out there, brutal honesty is an option. Just say you need to leave, but brace yourself for questions, comments, and general feelings that may follow. They’ll get over it, and will, at the very least, have their own version of a „worst date ever“ story to tell for years to come. Just because you don’t click with someone doesn’t mean it’s time to jump on the bitter bus and give up on your evening. The other person might not be your cup of tea, but this doesn’t mean they are an alien from another planet. Try to enjoy your time with them even though you are sure it isn’t a love match.

Lipstick can change the shape of your mouth, heighten the color in your cheeks and nose, and even give you tired eyes if dabbed and blended on your eyelids. An eyebrow pencil can be used to add age lines, change the shape of your eyes and brows, or create facial hair. Think about your most distinctive features and figure out how to hide or disguise them. The person you are trying to leave is going to see a figure moving past and away at a distance and will be focusing on the first impression.

But with experience, I’ve learned how to handle all of the above. Here are my 6 tips for how to survive a bad date. It’s only when you actually sit down together that you’ll be able to decode their true character. And it can sometimes take several dates, to dig down past their surface level persona.

You can definitely drop subtle hints into conversation, hinting to your date that this is likely the last time you’ll see each other. Give your date a chance to win you over, but don’t stick around any longer than you need to.

Honestly assess if you’re trying to connect and enjoy your dates, or if you automatically write them off as “not good enough” because of a bad cologne, being too short, or not having an interesting job. Let go of your expectations and give people more of a chance. Remember that everyone has value, you just have to find it.

If you want to do something a little less obvious, get a friend to come save you. Have someone text you at a certain time with an „emergency.“ Sneaking out the back door is a cowardly move, not to mention incredibly rude. Stammering about how you have to run home to feed your cats is just plain obvious, and getting up and walking out while your date is in the bathroom isn’t an option either.

Don’t be in such a rush to leave your date that you hurt their feelings. Perhaps you can stick it out through dinner and then go home before the movie. Tell your date that you have decided a shorter version of the date is a better choice for this time. You don’t have to tell them why, of course. Try to stay positive and remember that with time and practice, you’ll start to find and enjoy better dates.

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